Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Workout - Feb 16

My workout schedule is 40 min of cardio on an elliptical cross-trainer followed by lifting free-weights. I use this website to determine which exercises to do and how to do them properly. Since my goal is toning and not muscle building, once I can do three sets of 15 reps, I increase the weight. My routine contains five days of different weight lifting exercises, so my goal is to work out five days a week.

Today I "ran" 4.9 km. The elliptical says I burned 441 cal, but in reality it was more than that since it thinks I am a 150lb man.

For weights I did the standing calf raise, shrug, shoulder press, and upright row.


  1. Um..... so... I'm pretty sure that it's less because the more you weigh, the more calories you burn doing the same exercise (ie moving a 400lb body 1km burns more calories than moving a 150lb body 1km). Strap on 13lb ankle weights and then you're good to go!

    1. So, research seems to agree with you, however the computer on the elliptical doesn't... wonder if it is wrong or since it takes my heart rate into account that makes up the difference... hmmm...

  2. When I used to bother to change the settings to my actual info, it said that I burned more calories. I think it has more to do with being a woman than being lighter.

  3. Hmm, trying to see what the internet says about weight, gender, and calorie burning...

    Myth - Light weights on your arms or legs can boost your exercise benefit

    Some people carry light (one- or two-pound) handheld weights when they walk or run. Others strap Velcro-fastened weights around their ankles. Don't bother, says exercise physiologist Ben Hurley of the University of Maryland.

    “It slows you down, so you get less benefit from aerobic exercise, and it doesn't add enough weight to give you the benefits of strength-training,” he explains.

    To build muscle, you have to use weights that you can lift no more than eight to twelve times in a row. “If you can go beyond the twelfth repetition, the resistance is too light to stress the muscle,” says Hurley. “As your muscles get stronger, you need to add more weight—or other resistance—so you can still do only eight to twelve repetitions.”

    Read more: Exploding Exercise Myths —

  4. Calories Burned During Exercise

    During exercise, a 20 lb. weight difference means a 12 to 15 percent difference in calories burned. For example, a 120-lb. person burns approximately 6.5 calories per minute walking while a 140-lb. person burns 7.6 calories per minute doing the same activity. A person who weighs 160 lbs. burns 8.7 calories per minute walking.

    Read more:
